Daystar IHUB to host Innovation Festival
Posted on July 17, 2023 in Events
Preparations are in top gear for the upcoming Grande Innovation Festival to be hosted by the Daystar University Innovation Hub, in September 2023.

Founders of iHub: Berthe - School of Arts and Social Sciences, Justice- School of Nursing, Carlos - School of Science, Engineering and Health
Preparations are in top gear for the upcoming Grande Innovation Festival to be hosted by the Daystar University Innovation Hub, in September 2023.
Daystar IHUB recently hosted an induction session for School representatives, whose major role will be to mobilize innovations in their various Schools, paving way for the University's upcoming innovation festival in September.
The Daystar I-HUB Week 2023 focuses on Leveraging Innovations to Support Sustainable Development, which is this year’s main theme.
The Daystar Innovation Hub is a platform that aims to encourage students' creativity, innovation and brings talents to the surface by helping students to build their ideas for products.
According to the Daystar I-HUB President Ms. Berthe Muamba, this is where creativity meets faith-inspired entrepreneurship! It has given students an active platform to display their ideas and an estimated implementation they plan to go ahead with.
“Our beloved university will get a whole new dimension with the hub and its students as a part. Furthermore, activities of Daystar i-Hub will encourage strong bonding amongst students and staff, and the community at large,” said Ms. Muamba.
Speaking to Infospot, the Daystar I-Hub Patron Dr. Caroline Ayuya Muaka noted that the innovation festival provides an international meeting place for innovators, entrepreneurs, capitalists, researchers, and funding experts to network, share knowledge and bring innovations to life. She also stated that there is so much to learn about worldwide collaborations and opportunities. She revealed that during the innovation Festival, International speakers will share their inspirational stories of the journey and growth of their ideas and innovations.
Since its launch on 29th July 2022, the Daystar University Innovation Hub has passionately encouraged students to nurture their innovative side and come up with great ideas, discuss them with others, and plan their execution.
The Daystar I-Hub draws inspiration from Exodus 35:35, ‘He has filled them with the skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers —all of them skilled workers and designers.
“We are excited about this Year’s Innovation Festival and what the Lord will do through his people,” said Ms. Muamba.