Daystar University and JICA to host Public Lecture
Posted on September 14, 2023 in Events
On 19th September 2023, Daystar University in conjunction with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will hold a Public Lecture Titled: Quest for Structural Transformation from Below in Kenya: Respect for Craftspersonship as a Key, at the DAC Auditorium, Daystar Nairobi Campus.

By Deborah Shilako and Timothy Onyango
On 19th September 2023, Daystar University in conjunction with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will hold a Public Lecture Titled: Quest for Structural Transformation from Below in Kenya: Respect for Craftspersonship as a Key, at the DAC Auditorium, Daystar Nairobi Campus.
Distinguished guests in attendance will include Prof. Motoki Takahashi, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, and Director, Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto, Embassy of Japan, JICA, government officials, researchers, Daystar University Faculty, students and general public.
On behalf of the Government of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) aims to promote social economic development in partner countries.
The JICA Chair Program is an initiative which was pioneered by former JICA President, Kitaoka Shinichi, to promote development experiences, learning from the initiatives of Japan over time. Japan, being a “non-western” country, has emerged economically and democratically strong while conserving its culture and tradition.