Daystar University Prayer Day June 2024
Posted on June 06, 2024 in Events
On the 6th June 2024, the Daystar University community convened on both campuses to commit the May semester to God. Athi River congregation gathered at the Amphitheatre while the Nairobi Campus congregation gathered at Nairobi Baptist Church.

By Martin Oyugi
On the 6th June 2024, the Daystar University community convened on both campuses to commit the May semester to God. Athi River congregation gathered at the Amphitheatre while the Nairobi Campus congregation gathered at Nairobi Baptist Church.
Prayer day was based on the trimester theme: Destined for Purpose based on Ephesians 1:11-12: In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory.
The guest speaker for Athi River Campus was Rev. Paul Kihiro, a Daystar Alumnus and part time lecturer in the Department of Theology and Pastoral Studies. He spoke on the topic, Ignited Faith: Praying to know God. At Nairobi Campus, the speaker was the Chaplain, West Nairobi School, Rev. Christian Lwanda.
Speaking to the congregation, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro expressed gratitude to God for what He had enabled him to do in his first 5-year tenure at Daystar University. Commenting on “Acts of Faith”, the VC expounded that human beings are naturally born selfish and need to overcome selfishness by burning it in the fire of sacrifice.
With the prayers made for the University at large, Management Board, Senate, students, faculty and staff, the Daystar community was set to begin the semester in confidence, with the knowledge that God is in charge.
More than 40 staff who were away training for ISO 9001:2015 certification, joined the Prayer Day from Voi Wildlife Lodge. Among them was the DVC- Finance, Administration and Planning Prof. Muturi Wachira who led the team, and the DVC- Academic, Research and Student Affairs Prof. Faith Nguru among others. The speaker was Prof. Bernard Boyo.