Destiny Leadership Development Program Jan 2024
Posted on January 17, 2024 in Education
The key to success and pleasure in life is preparation. Warren Buffet says, “Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) offers the Destiny Leadership Development Program (DLDP) to prepare high school graduates for life after school. The program imparts the graduates with the necessary skills to navigate life in an impactful way.

The key to success and pleasure in life is preparation. Warren Buffet says, “Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Daystar Leadership and Professional Development Institute (DLPDI) offers the Destiny Leadership Development Program (DLDP) to prepare high school graduates for life after school. The program imparts the graduates with the necessary skills to navigate life in an impactful way.
In six weeks, DLPDI sharpens your edge in:
- Leadership
- Personality
- Communication
- Entrepreneurship
- Career Guidance
- Spiritual Formation
- Sign Language
- ICT or Foreign Language (pick one)
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the program participants will be able to:
- Lead self and others passionately and responsibly
- Develop an entrepreneurial mindset
- Grow their problem-solving skills and make informed career choice
- Develop interpersonal and networking skills
- Appreciate disciplines that shape spiritual formation
- Communicate using sign language
- Communicate in Chinese or Attain ICT skills
Learning Techniques
The Destiny program is tailored with the high school graduate in mind. Thus, we will use engaging learning methods that include: team building activities, problem-solving, peer learning, sessions by influencers and industry experts, and plenary sessions.
Start Date: 22nd January 2024
End Date: 8th March 2024
Venue: Daystar Nairobi Campus
Cost: Kshs.30,000/=
MPESA Paybill No.209800
Account Name: Excan (Your Surname)
Contact: 0796 445 181/ 0709972000 or email