Invitation to Run, Bike and Hike for Justice at MuskathlonKenya 2022
Posted on September 20, 2022 in Infospot
As Kenya observes Mashujaa Day on 20th October 2022, you might just be the next marathon superhero! This year, Daystar University has partnered with Muskathlon®/4M, an international charity organization, to host the ultimate endurance event that promotes freedom, justice and independence through running, hiking, and biking.

As Kenya observes Mashujaa Day on 20th October 2022, you might just be the next marathon superhero!
This year, Daystar University has partnered with Muskathlon®/4M, an international charity organization, to host the ultimate endurance event that promotes freedom, justice and independence through running, hiking, and biking.
Muskathlon® has reserved 100 slots for members of Daystar University community who may want to participate. Opportunities also exist for volunteers to give First Aid and distribute refreshments, energizers at six checkpoints along the marathon route.
The marathon will Start and Finish at Daystar University Amphitheatre from 6:00am - 3:00pm. The disciplines for total endurance include: Running for 21kms/42kms/63kms, Hiking- 63kms and Biking- 120Kms. Those opting for the 63km hike will start at 1:00am. Athletes will run, bike or hike within the 8-shaped route several laps as per their selected disciplines. Each lap will bring them through a central point as depicted in the route map below.
Route One is 13.58kms through the beautiful and scenic Lukenya elevation and the conservancy behind Daystar University with animal interaction and back through the Lukenya Boys High School gate. Route two is 7.67Kms towards the lower parts of Daystar University towards Lukenya Motocross and County homes before returning to the Daystar University Amphitheatre. There will be six (6) water points along the route. Runners, Bikers and Hikers are advised to wear comfortable sportswear: shoes, shorts, t-shirts, caps and track suits. Refreshments, energizers and first aid will be administered at designated checkpoints along the route
Muskathlon® marathons raise funds to further the cause for justice worldwide. You’re invited to join the race for justice by registering here: <>. The deadline for participant registration is 1st October 2022.
Those willing to support the marathon as medical first aiders (nurses) and checkpoint service teams are welcome to register here: <>.
Participants are encouraged to post their photos and tag @DaystarUniversity on Facebook and @Daystar_Uni on Twitter, using the hashtags #MuskathlonKenya and #WeAreDaystar.